#CLIP-L-BE/10 blue color #CLIP-L-GN/10 .green color
#CLIP-L-PK/10 .pink color #CLIP-L-PP/10 .. purple color
#CLIP-L-RD/10 red color #CLIP-L-YE/10 yellow color .
#CLIP-L-XX/10 mixed color (specify any two colors when ordering)
Large size : 56 x 12 mm Opening : 16mm (max)
We can accpt any other types of package either in hangsell BOPP bags in
any quantity or in plastic containers or jars etc.
*Great holding capacity. *Open wide (16mm) to hold layers of fabrics.
*Great alternative to pins *Flat base (clear) with seam allowance marks
Standard packing 10pcs/bag